Diving in to the 21.5.800 Challenge

I love a good challenge. In fact, I sometimes even co-design them. And I rarely back away from a good one.  Rarely. And yesterday, I almost did.

Last week, my family had the snot kicked out of it with some fabulous news delivered in a crap wrap. Much more on this later. (Dramatics aside, we are fine, together and with the exception of an unrelated sprained ankle, all healthy).

I’d been hearing about Bindu Wiles’ (fabulous Brooklyn-based Buddhist Writing Coach)  "21.5.800" community project: yoga and writing. While these are two of my favourite things, I am master of neither. (Ooooh…I LOVE the smell of possibility in the morning!)

The challenge: for 21 days, do 5 days of yoga a week and 800 words of writing per day.

Problem was, given that I’d allowed myself to be bullied into a corner by the crap-tastic news last week,  I didn’t jump in to the challenge. I demurred. I abstained. I sat on the fence.

Then I did the math and it went something like this:

Resonant (read: exciting) challenge + awe-inspiring group of participants (Julie, Danielle, Dian, Hiro, Lianne, Jen, Marianne, Tia, Kelly, Andrew, Roseanne, Emma, and 230 OTHER coaches, writers, yoginis that I have yet to read/fall in love with) – being in a snot-kicked out of me kind of space = precisely what I need

So, I have jumped off the fence and am splashing around in the cool early June water. Refreshing and bracing.

Today is day 1. For the next 21 days, I’ll write 800 words a day…whatever I am moved to write (blog posts, strat/comm plan, workshops, journal and anything else that is begging to be expressed) and practice yoga 5 times a week. It will nourish me, heal me and should I find myself in the Dastardly Dip, I’ll know what to do.

I’m number 181 in the growing list of participants. Will you be next? What might it give you? Bindu's made it easy for you to start wherever you are.

Go check out Bindu’s challenge…and please thank her for me.

Check out my free training on the 5 Shifts Our Clients Use to Overcome the Imposter Complex and Grow their Income and their Impact

Where I pull back the curtain on five shifts to start raising voices, rates, and hands all while being the kind, congruent, and authentic leader I know you to be.
